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To write a decimal expansion for a fraction, use long division. If the division ends, the number is terminating; otherwise, it's recurring.
What is the decimal expansion of 2/7? Is it terminating or recurring?
Rational numbers like 1/2 can be located using successive magnification, while irrational numbers like √2 can use geometric construction.
To rationalise a denominator, multiply numerator and denominator by the conjugate if necessary.
1/√3 → (1/√3) × (√3/√3) = √3/3
Integers (Z) are all the positive and negative whole numbers, as well as the number 0.
Irrational Numbers are numbers that cannot be written as simple fractions. They include all positive and negative numbers which cannot be written in the form p/q, where p and q are integers, and q ≠ 0.
Natural Numbers (N) are whole counting numbers like 1, 2 and 3. The smallest natural number is 1, and the numbers continue increasing infinitely from 1.
A non-terminating decimal is a number with a decimal expansion that goes on forever – you never reach the final digit.
The nth root of a real number is a number that can be multiplied by itself n times, to get to a given number. The n is a placeholder that represents any positive real number.
Rational Numbers (Q) are numbers that can be written as simple fractions. They include all positive and negative numbers that can be written in the form p/q, where p and q are integers, and q ≠ 0.
To rationalize the denominator of a fraction with an irrational denominator means to find an equivalent fraction that has a rational denominator.
Real Numbers (R) are the collection of all rational and irrational numbers. Each real number can be represented by a unique point on the number line.
A recurring decimal is a non-terminating decimal that has a repeating digit or block of digits after the decimal point. The repeated digit or digits will continue repeating forever.
Successive Magnification is a method we can use to locate rational decimal numbers on the number line.
A terminating decimal is a number with a decimal expansion that ends after a finite number of steps.
Whole Numbers (N0) include all the natural numbers and the number 0.
6.4a Constructions 1